Peggy Orenstein on Girls Trying to Look Grown Up and Adults Trying to Look Girlish

The way I see it, every generation of girls is taught to find value and identity through the way we look and the way we impress others. That certainly was the case when I was growing up. Thankfully, when I came of age in the 1960’s and 70’s the fashion of the day wasn’t marked by ultra-thinness and ultra-sexiness. In today’s world, according to Peggy Orenstein, contributing writer to the New York Times Magazine, “girls are trying to look like grownups and adults are trying to look girlish.” Clearly something is out of whack.

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to hear Peggy speak at the 21st Annual Renfrew Center Conference. This conference has always been a source of inspiration and empowerment to me and many others psychotherapists throughout the country. Beyond learning about the healing power in the therapist-client relationship, it is here that therapists empower each other to grow, expand conceptual frameworks and discover what really makes a difference in helping women heal and find their way to emotional and physical health. If you aren’t a psychotherapist this may seem like a no-brainer, something that one would expect to happen all the time in lots of different venues — but believe me, it doesn’t. It was over a series of years that the speakers at this annual conference gave me the strength and resolve to speak my truth and trust my instincts as a therapist.

Continue reading this article at The Huffington Post.