Why the size of your clothing says little about your size

[soundcloud id=’160968585′ color=’1e4f78′ /] The news that apparel company J Crew is now making a size 000 (that’s two sizes smaller than a 0!) created a stir among some feminists who say the new size idealizes the desire to be too thin. While the company says it is trying to appeal to a petite Asian… Continue reading…

Outsmarting Stress and Negativity

A number of months ago, I had the good fortune of traveling to India with my family. I wasn’t so keen on taking this trip, fearing that I’d get depressed from seeing the country’s massive poverty. Having read many novels written by Indian authors, I was primed to witness people living in conditions that I’d… Continue reading…

Overcoming Doubt and Fear in Order to Foster Self-Confidence

There’s a surge in conversation about the challenge for women to claim confidence and counteract self-doubt. The newest book on the topic, The Confidence Gap, shows, yet again, that women are less self-assured than men, and to succeed in the work world, confidence matters as much as competence. Let’s dispel the mystery behind the scenes so… Continue reading…